I am currently enrolled in Ceramics II in my school and we are supposed to create a body of work that includes a series of artworks that have a similar theme. For my original body of work I chose to make a series of vases that where shaped and cracked in different places to give a physical form to non-tangible emotions. Once I found out that working with pottery wheel would take to long (cause I wasn't very good), I decided to switch to creating something with clay that I have full control over. So I am now currently creating a set of four to six face molds but each with be manipulated in some way to show movement and feeling, such as swimming, wind, sweat, etc. To start making the faces, I decided that I wanted to use a plaster mold of my face.....and that was a pretty new experience for me.
Thanks for the assistance from my ceramics teacher and a fellow classmate.
Before we started I had to put a thick coat of Vaseline all over my face and in my eyebrows so that to plaster wouldn't form and harden directly on my skin.
It's pretty weird knowing people all staring at you and talking to you but not being able to see them or respond except for the use of sign language.
The only place that wasn't covered was my nostrils so I wouldn't die...lol
After they finished putting it on I waited for about 20 or 25 minutes before it hardened. Then my teacher pulled it off my face, taking a few eye brow and eye lashes with it. Overall, I was a pretty interesting experience and I would recommend trying it if you don't mind a greasy face and a few less eye brow hairs.